Important information
Mbf guidelines and rules of behavior
SIMI Swiss, Swiss Diploma, and related entities (hereinafter collectively referred to as ‘We’) are committed to transparency and the avoidance of misunderstandings or misinterpretations. To this end, we have developed a comprehensive set of terms and conditions and policies applicable to students, partners, enrollment agents, government partners, and other stakeholders. We ensure that these terms are publicly posted in their principal English version and communicated to all relevant parties. These regulations and policies are implemented in an effort to maintain transparency and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of learners, ourselves, our partners, and relevant stakeholders in terms of rights and obligations.
General information and policies
Who could study at Swiss Diploma?
SIMI Swiss acts as the testing and implementing unit for the Swiss Diploma programs in partnership with the diploma-issuing unit, the Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Bodies OTHM and Qualifi. Students enrolled in the Swiss Diploma program who also attend SIMI Swiss must meet the qualifications and entry requirements for each program, as stipulated by SIMI Swiss.
As an organization offering undergraduate and postgraduate training, we commit to providing maximum support to all qualified students who register for programs at SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma, irrespective of their race, religion, or region.
Students registering with SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma must adhere to the regulations and directives outlined in the student handbook and any publicly posted information, and they are required to provide truthful and accurate information. Should candidates or students breach the principle of honesty, SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma reserve the right to refuse admission, terminate student status, and invalidate learning achievements. In such instances, no refunds will be provided. Additionally, violators will be liable for any damages resulting from their fraudulent actions.
Swiss Diploma Delivery Method
SIMI Swiss is the global implementer of Swiss Diploma, in partnership with the Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Bodies.
All Swiss Diploma training programs are delivered using a combined automated training model that includes:
- Optimized Online Learning System: Designed to enhance the self-study process.
- Bite-Sized Lectures: Lessons are structured in short, manageable modules, enabling students to grasp the content immediately after completing each module.
- Comprehensive Support System: Provides students with the necessary tools and support to efficiently fulfill course requirements.
Local support partners are solely responsible for implementing academic support activities (if any) that assist students' learning processes in collaboration with LAS and SIMI Swiss. They do not influence final course outcomes or graduation results. Academic decisions and the awarding of qualifications are the exclusive responsibility of LAS, SIMI Swiss, their partners, and partner universities (in multiple qualification programs).
Content published and Training scope
Swiss Diploma and SIMI Swiss consistently updates its information and lectures to remain responsive and adaptable to changes in the workplace and related regulations.
The content on the website, in publications, emails, and other media is accurate at the time of communication but is subject to change without prior notice.
The training scope and program may change during the process of rolling out the program, but it must still meet the competency framework and the assessment criteria of the independent accrediting unit. If the original agreement is modified, Swiss Diploma and SIMI Swiss will notify students of any changes, new programs, and alternative learning paths, as applicable.
In cases of changing and severely affected economic and political situations, as well as force majeure events, the training method is subject to adjustments. During such circumstances, the school will inform and consult with the student and revise the student’s initial training plan accordingly.
Third-party learning materials are either purchased, rented, or licensed by Swiss Diploma and SIMI Swiss. Some learning materials are compiled by SIMI Swiss lecturers. While all these materials have been evaluated and approved by the SIMI Swiss Academic Board, they may occasionally contain inappropriate content when applied to certain international students. In such instances, Swiss Diploma and SIMI Swiss will promptly modify the training scope if it deems the impact significant, but it cannot be held responsible, either solely or jointly, for any damages resulting from the training scope.
Students and stakeholders may only use the training content for personal learning and research purposes, and it may not be copied in any form, commercial or non-commercial. Copyright-related content will be stated more clearly in the Copyright Policy section.
Recognition of Academic Progress and Qualifications
After completing the educational content and fulfilling all obligations, including adhering to academic discipline and integrity, students will have their learning process recognized and will be awarded qualifications by SIMI and the Ofqual UK.Gov Awarding Bodies (OTHM, Qualifi). In the case of dual degrees or collaborative programs, students may also receive an additional diploma or certification from the partner institution. Further details are provided in the Disclaimer section below.
Each country, institution, and region has different regulations regarding the recognition of educational processes and qualifications. In accordance with international practice, the recognition or acceptance of diplomas is a subjective decision made by the receiving agency, the government, or based on regional policies within each country. SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma strongly advise candidates to thoroughly verify the recognition and acceptance of SIMI Swiss diplomas before enrolling. As stated earlier, SIMI Swiss, Swiss Diploma, and our partners and affiliated universities do not guarantee, promise, or facilitate such recognition. We reserve the right to disclaim any such commitments before, during, or after a student's graduation.
Graduation Ceremony
With the flexible learning model, SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma attracts students from diverse regions and countries worldwide.
In practice, students often face challenges in getting visas and securing the privilege to travel to Switzerland for the graduation ceremony, significantly impacting both the organizational aspects and the applicants. Although possessing the right to attend the ceremony, a considerable number of graduating students were absent.
As a result, SIMI Swiss has decided not to organize the graduation ceremony for online students in Switzerland since 2024. Instead, the plan is to work together with local partners to arrange separate graduation ceremonies for each region. In these cases, a specially assigned representative from SIMI Swiss will travel to the respective region to present the diplomas.
Visiting the campus, city campus, or e-campus in Switzerland or any other country is allowed for relatives of full-time students only.
As a private higher education institute with the approval of Canton Zug, and taking into account the secure office locations of SIMI Swiss (the governing body of Swiss Diploma), if relatives of full-time students need to meet with SIMI Swiss staff in Zug or visit our city or e-campus in Switzerland or other countries, it's crucial for students to notify SIMI Swiss in advance.
SIMI Swiss reserves the right to approve or deny the request, taking into consideration its work schedule and human resources plan.
When visiting either the city campus or e-campus of SIMI Swiss, please take note of the following:
- Only relatives of full-time students are allowed. We do not accept or arrange visits for online students and their relatives.
- Advance notice is necessary, and tour dates are not bound by SIMI Swiss public holidays and seasonal schedules.
- Students should be aware that the city campus or e-campus is an executive office, constituting a segment of the building's campus and not a sprawling campus akin to public schools.
- Some training venues, libraries, and facilities catering to SIMI students operate in collaboration with partner universities in Switzerland or public schools in Switzerland. It's important for students to recognize that these facilities are owned either by the Swiss government or a partner university. Under these collaborative programs, only the parents of students studying in Switzerland are permitted to visit and experience these facilities.
- Students are expected to prioritize safety and security and should refrain from disrupting the day-to-day operations of SIMI Swiss. Additionally, students bear the responsibility for compensating any damage incurred to SIMI Swiss facilities, as well as facilities belonging to partners and government entities in case of damage or loss.
SIMI Swiss also recognizes the cultural variations in educational practices across countries, and it's common for international students to envision schools with expansive campuses. However, this perception doesn't necessarily apply to private schools in Switzerland, particularly under SIMI Swiss's strategic innovation model. Committed to transparent information, SIMI Swiss refrains from making commitments beyond its control or presenting inaccurate or unrealistic content. SIMI Swiss encourages prospective students to engage in proactive learning, understanding, and embracing the journey with the expectation of excellent academic experiences.
Safety and copyright policies
Information Assurance, Security and GDPR
SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma strive to protect personal information by strictly adhering to regulations, ensuring information safety and security, and implementing the EU’s GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).
Apart from collecting information necessary for program implementation, training, and quality improvement purposes, SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma do not gather information from students or partners. Any disclosure to third parties, other than for the abovementioned purposes, will only occur in response to orders/requests from competent authorities.
In the event of information security breaches resulting from unauthorized access, SIMI Swiss collaborates with relevant authorities and parties to resolve such issues. SIMI Swiss, Swiss Diploma, partners and partner universities disclaim liability for intrusions beyond our control.
Copyright Policy
The intellectual property rights of content providers, instructors, students, and other third parties are respected by SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma. Respect for intellectual property rights is likewise expected of students and users of our educational system.
When studying or collaborating with SIMI Swiss, Swiss Diploma, students, and other stakeholders must follow signed or unsigned regulations that follow international copyright practices.
All information published by SIMI Swiss, Swiss Diploma and its partners, including learning materials, documents, forms, minutes, and other contents published officially or unofficially, internally or externally, are the property of SIMI Swiss. Students, partners, and other stakeholders must not copy, use, or reuse material for purposes other than learning and personal research. Outside of the above copyright agreement, all reproduction activities for either commercial or non-commercial purposes are copyright infringements against SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma.
Copyright infringement is one of the most serious infringements, according to SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma. SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma have the authority and reserve the right to terminate a student’s status, annul the student’s results, degrees, and online account if it is discovered that the student infringes on intellectual property rights. This policy remains in effect even after the learning process has been completed.
In the event that a student or another party violates the copyright, resulting in damages (including actual and intended or implied damages), SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma fully support the investigation process but is not responsible for any material, financial, or liability disclaimer if it is determined that the infringement of copyright is beyond SIMI Swiss’s scope of influence.
Liability disclaimer and prevention of false communication
Liability Exemption
SIMI Swiss (the governing of Swiss Diploma), Swiss Diploma, along with our partners and local scientific partners, hereinafter collectively referred to as 'We', are committed to ensuring transparency and preventing misunderstandings or misinterpretations, while safeguarding the rights of our students.
Prospective students must carefully review specific information about their educational needs and the potential uses of their diplomas post-graduation.
To clarify the limitations of our responsibilities, especially regarding third-party content over which we have no control or authority, we hereby issue the following disclaimer:
- We do not guarantee that enrollment will lead to graduation and obtaining a qualification. SIMI Swiss and partner universities only award qualifications and recognize academic achievements if students meet all academic requirements, financial regulations, study discipline, and other stipulations.
- In the event of violations, including unauthorized absences, discontinuation of the program, or financial obligations, We reserve the right to refuse admission, withhold support, revoke student status, and not refund fees or tuition.
- We do not guarantee that qualifications will be accepted, recognized, or accredited by third parties, such as governmental bodies, local authorities, or professional organizations. Acceptance depends on the discretion of the receiving institution and is subject to the regulations of each country, government, locality, and unit.
- We do not guarantee that learners will experience salary increases, promotions, career advancements, or new job placements after graduation.
- Despite the various regulations regarding cross-recognition and equivalence of qualifications, each country, organization, or unit has the right to recognize and accept qualifications on their terms. We do not guarantee, commit to, or promise the recognition of qualifications, certified, transcripts, etc., issued by SIMI Swiss, partners and partner universities during usage. SIMI Swiss, partners and partner universities also do not ensure or support the process of obtaining equivalent qualification recognition (if applicable).
- We do not guarantee or commit that students will have opportunities for residency, employment abroad, work permits, teaching licenses, or expert permits in Switzerland, Europe, or any other countries.
- We do not guarantee that students 100% achieving visa (If any).
Fairness, Liberation, and Learning Freedom
SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma follow fairness rules when admitting students, commenting on results, and reviewing and allocating scholarships, funding, and budgets to students and stakeholders. It does so without regard for gender, ethnicity, race, religion, and political beliefs.
Because SIMI Swiss (the governing body of Swiss Diploma) is a private independent HEI, its training system and program structure allow students to freely choose their major, a study plan, and quickly transfer to another university when a change is desired.
SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma abide by human rights regulations, including protecting and promoting the human right to education. Students at SIMI Swiss can freely choose their major, a study plan, and easily switch to another major when they want a change.
Faulty Communication and Unfair Competition Prevention
Protecting the reputations of students, partners, and SIMI Swiss (the governing body of Swiss Diploma) is a top priority for a HEI that accepts students from all over the world. Transparency of information, anti-false communication, and anti-unfair competition policies are all mandatory regulations that must be followed in accordance with EU regulations and conventions as well as international conventions.
SIMI Swiss coordinates with members in other countries, consular offices in SIMI Swiss partner countries, and SIMI Swiss member universities to assist in ensuring the legitimate interests of students, SIMI Swiss legal entities, SIMI Swiss partners, and SIMI Swiss itself.
When there are media-related issues and the information stated in the press release (announcement/article) is false and/or harms the university’s reputation, interests, and related interests, SIMI Swiss, in collaboration with universities and global partners, and the Ministry of Education, Consular Affairs, and the legal department will implement a process to prevent faulty communication, as detailed below. Please remember that the content published here is only a small step of the process and is only available in countries and territories where SIMI Swiss accepts its students.
False communication behaviors include the following:
- Promoting and spreading misleading information in any way:
- The SIMI Swiss’s legitimacy;
- The SIMI Swiss’s international accreditation and recognition;
- Legitimacy and the right to take part in education regardless of one’s age, gender, socioeconomic class, or location;
- Information and photos that are the assets of the SIMI Swiss and its partners, as well as other actions that may influence or hurt the institution’s reputation, honor, and interests as well as those of its partners and students worldwide;
- Communication actions that, whether purposefully or accidentally, lead to misunderstandings or are only partially accurate, display unfair competition, are not true to their nature;
- Content that violates the public disclosure of the disclaimer issued by SIMI Swiss and its partners.
False communication management procedures (applicable in several countries):
Creating a bailiff and a disposal squad
The university develops a team (AKA a bailiff and a disposal squad) to handle the incident, gathers all relevant information, collects evidence, and collaborates with interested parties to readily handle it in three steps as follows:
Step 1: Alert the parties involved and related parties.
Inform the involved parties of the violation, as well as the diplomatic mission in the country where the university is registered to operate and the representative of the host country’s diplomatic mission in the country where SIMI Swiss is registered to operate.
Step 2: Request that the responsible party make good the damage
Issue an official notice and request that the involved party make good the damage by providing (1) a description of the violating behavior; (2) evidence; (3) damage estimates; and (4) the terms have been violated in accordance with the applicable laws, regulations, conventions, and so on to which the SIMI Swiss has signed and/or the national government of the country in which the incident occurred.
Step 3: Keep a close eye on the remediation process.
If the faulty communication behavior is not completely made good, we will monitor the remediation process of the responsible party in concern and take other firm and strict measures.
Amendment Rights for the Terms
SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma hereby reserve the unilateral right to amend these terms at any time, with such modifications becoming immediately effective.
Terms agreed to with related parties will remain in effect. If the signed agreements are changed, they will only take effect if deemed more favorable to SIMI Swiss and Swiss Diploma than the existing agreement.
The new terms will take effect immediately for newly formed agreements.